I was born in Costa Rica in a family where mostly everyone had studied a medical field. But I followed a different path: Architecture. From this choice my experiences went from participating in the Costa Rican Biennale of 2018 of the Architects Association of Costa Rica (CFIA), to Art expositions also in the CFIA, to a publication in the Habitar Magazine (#92, August 2018).
I was completely dedicated to the academy when I started to see other disciplines were architects were performing quite good, like product design and even baking. There was a world full of exciting disciplines and I was not going to miss it.
As one thing led to another i ended up liking it more to work with more than one discipline, asking my family, full of medical specialists, asking my friends from other design areas and other fellow architecture students for feedback on my thinking process, creating a healthy discussion environment where everyone could have something to give.
After my thesis project was done I took the time between it and my graduation (about 6 months) to think of what to do and search for options that could push me to explore further the interdisciplinary work. This is how I ended up joining McKinsey & Company in 2017.
In my 2 years in the company I gathered experience in a more graphical field, supporting in creating, designing, and formatting electronic presentations for consultants worldwide in a varied kind of formats and for a wide amount of purposes, taking care of elements for conferences such as posters, multi-screen presentations, cards and badges in Illustrator and InDesign and doing Photomanipulations for important brands worldwide. My time in McKinsey also showed me that one of my biggest strenghts is my time management. I was one of the few working in the tightest schedule where I had to solve any problem that came along in the most efficient and fast way, taking into consideration brands, consultants, other designers previously involved and whatever the main topic of the work was. I can say that i learned pretty well to work under pressure solving problems in an interdisciplinary way not only with diverse designers but with customer service and consultants too.
Life lead me to Germany, where I landed my first job at TTE Strategy, a boutique consultancy agency that is growing fast and needed a designer with basically my skills.
My position in TTE as a Graphic and Digital Experience Designer requires more than I did in McKinsey, yet gave me more room for learning and experimenting in areas like Motion Design, Design for Web, Marketing, Social Media and User Experience/User Interface design.
Without realizing it, a small decision before graduating took me to a whole new path that I didn’t expect but that I trully enjoy and for which I can’t wait to see develop even more to more new areas and to learn amny new skills.